
Home again

So now I'm back in good ol' Swede-land. Feels quite good since it's warm and sunny and I got to sleep in a big, soft bed last night. Let's just say that the beds I've been sleeping in for the past 7 ½ weeks haven't been particularly soft. Or big.

First day at work and I feel constantly suprised by the fact that everyone speaks swedish. This morning when I was bying breakfast at the local Co-op I was so surprised that the cashier spoke swedish that I completely lost track and barely understood what she was saying. Go figure!

Give me half a year to a year in Scotland and I'll have gone native. I've already managed to aquire a scottish twang to my accent. So scottish in fact that the scots sometimes misstook me for being from the outer Hebrides. Or possibly the Orkneys...

I've decided to start translating most blog-entries to english since I now have even more english speaking friends who can't read my original blog.

(OK. They can read it. But understanding it is another matter...)

But soon I'm off to have lunch in the warmth and the sun to enjoy the weather while it lasts!



Decided to start translating some of my posts from my original blog. First one will be up shortly!


As you can probably tell from the name this is a blog about me. My thoughts, my work, my studies, my travels, my friends, my mishaps (oh, yes - there are plenty of those!), my joys, my sorrows - in short my life.

I've been blogging in swedish for over 4 ½ years, and I've found it is a great way for me to organise my sometimes very random mind. I've made some feeble attempts at blogging in english on my MySpace site, but it doesn't really feel like a "proper" blog so I haven't been updating very often. Maybe this'll work out better!

Once again - a great big WELCOME to my blog!
